Mike's interview with a local newspaper, the Bremerton Patriot, Chantal auditioned against candidates with 200 or 300 in the Seattle metropolitan area and not make the cut for season 15. But do the show when she lost a few thousand women in Los Angeles.
Brad Womack and Chantal’s dog Boca seemed to bond and he was talking about buying a new home to house her dogs and cats. Hmm, leading Chantal on Brad? Brad Womack was very intimidated meeting Chantal’s parents as they were obviously very rich, living in a large opulent home. However, her parents seemed very down to earth and nice. Her dad is a former Seattle Seahawks player called Michael O’Brien and he now owns a car dealership.
Brad Womack spent his conversation with Chantal’s father discussing his history with his dad and his want of a family (is it just me or does Brad talk about his lack of a relationship with his dad a lot?). He also told Mr. O’Brien that his intentions were pure and real and Mr. O’Brien gave Brad his blessings if he wanted to marry Chantal.